Walkers Offshore Insolvency and Restructuring - 2023
Foreword - Lupton
Equity Trust (Jersey) Ltd (Respondent) v Halabi (in his capacity as Executor of the Estate of the late Madam Intisar Nouri) (Appellant) (Jersey); ITG Ltd and others (Respondents) v Fort Trustees Ltd and another (Appellants) (Guernsey) from the Court of Appeal of Jersey and the Court of Appeal of Guernsey [2022] UKPC 36 - Ozanne - Brehaut - Lavin
In The Matter of Polarcus Limited (In Official Liquidation) FSD 31 of 2021 (IKJ): Judgment on Declaratory Relief in Cayman Islands Insolvent Liquidation Proceedings - Hern - White - Maughan
Taking a Closer Look at the Law Relating to the Appointment of Inspectors - Gowrie - Petith - Sheridan - Stanley KC
Learning from Mistakes: Imposing Constructive Trusts over Mistaken Payments - Bell - Boulter - Moseley
Something to Prove? Creditor Standing and Public Policy Considerations: Hints of the Court’s Approach to Parallel Insolvency Proceedings in the BVI - Nicholson
A New Dawn for Guernsey’s Insolvency Law - Brehaut - Cole - Lavin
Cayman Islands SPCs: Some Practical Considerations (for Aggrieved Stakeholders) - Hinks - Lee
Recent Developments in Jersey’s Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law - Sanders - Schluep
The Restructuring Officer Regime in the Cayman Islands: The Grand Court Showcasing Its Flexibility to Support Cross-Border Restructuring Processes - Bell - Fan
Examinership in Ireland: Recent Cases Emphasise that a Conditional Rescue Scheme Is not a Bar to Court Approval - Greensmyth - Hyland
‘What Say Ye?’: The Importance of Creditors’ Views in Restructurings – An Offshore Perspective - Taylor - Wilkins KC - MacAdam
First Successful Creditor Application for Appointment of an Inspector to an Irish Corporate Sets Precedent for Future Appointments - Greensmyth - Hyland
A Little More Time: The BVI Court Clarifies When and How It Will Exercise Its Discretion to Adjourn an Application to Appoint Liquidators - Petith - Barbour - Laing
Non-Compliant Transfers of Cayman Islands Insurance Business: To Void, or Not to Void, That Is the Question - Bell - Boulter - Fan
‘Exceptional Circumstances’: Who Is the Proper Guardian of the Interests of Stakeholders in an Insolvent Company, Its Officeholders or Creditors? - Golaszewski - Chissick - Maughan - HaywardHughes
The Abolition of the ‘Headcount Test’ for Cayman Islands Members’ Schemes of Arrangement: Ensuring Practice Reflects Commercial Reality - Lupton - MacAdam - Sheridan
A Bespoke Solution for an Imperfect World: An Analysis of the Use of a Cross-Border Insolvency Protocol between Estate Representatives in the United States and Bermuda - White - McSweeney
This Is Not a Wind Up: Viewing a Stay to Restrain Presentation of an Application to Appoint Liquidators through the Prism of an Injunction - Nicholson - Pugh - Lin