The Making of an Expert: A Summary of the Duties of Expert Witnesses in Cayman Islands Financial Services Proceedings - Wilkins - Gibson
Shining a Light on Validation Orders: An Overview of Validation Orders in Cayman Insolvency Proceedings - Collett - Azmayesh - MacAdam
Welcome Irish High Court Ruling in Corporate Rescue Case: Clarifi cation on Import and Effect of Undertakings to Discharge Current Revenue Liabilities During Period of Protection Afforded by Examinership - Smith
To Stat Demand, or Not To Stat Demand, That is the Question: A Brief Guide and Comparison of Statutory Demands in the Cayman Islands and the British Virgin Islands - O’Driscoll - Goss
Bermuda’s ‘Light-Touch’ Approach to Cross-Border Restructuring - Tovey - McCosker
A Tale of Two Islands: Recognising and Assisting Foreign Offi ceholders in Guernsey and the Cayman Islands - Brehaut - Dengate Thrush - MacAdam
Recent Irish Supreme Court Decision on Assignment Of Claims, Third Party Litigation Funding and Champerty: A Prelude to Real Progress - Smith
The Cayman Restructuring Toolkit: Exploring the Flexible Restructuring Options on Offer in the Cayman Islands - Gowrie - Petith
Secured Rights and Receiverships: Windfalls and Pitfalls - Foote
Acts of Perversity: When a Liquidator’s Decision May Be Overturned in the British Virgin Islands - Nicholson - Brown
Just and Equitable Winding Up in Jersey: A Flexible Friend? - Seddon - Turnbull
Down the Rabbit Hole and through the Looking Glass: The Cayman Islands Scheme of Arrangement under the Magnifying Glass - Lupton - MacAdam - Sheridan
Soft Touch Provisional Liquidators in the BVI: Constellation Overseas Ltd, Pointing the Way - Nicholson